Segall Enterprises: Writing and Editing Solutions
Segall Enterprises:Writing and Editing Solutions

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Don't Back into the Palm Tree! is available on Amazon, in both e-book and paperback formats.

Books by Linda Segall

Author Linda Segall has worked in publishing for more than 20 years and has written numerous articles, booklets, and pamphlets.


Additionally, she has co-authored three business books and a healthcare book on gluten intolerance. These books include:

  • The Gluten Connection: How Gluten Sensitivity May be Sabotaging Your Health. (Rodale, 2007)
  • Leading Your Business Forward: Aligning Goals, People, Systems for Sustainable Success (McGraw Hill, 2013)
  • Leaving Your Leadership Legacy: Creating a Timeless and Enduring Culture of Clarity, Connectivity, and Consistency (Oaklea Press, 2007; Createspace, 2015
  • Buried Alive! Digging Out of a Management Dumpster (Oaklea Press, 2004)

Linda's latest book is a deviation from business and health topics: It is a cross between a "true confession" and a guidebook, based on the (mis)adventures she has captured as she and her husband, Jim Cullipher, have traveled in their motorhome since 2011. The book is entitled Don't Back into the Palm Tree! Real Life Lessons for New and Wannabe RVers, and is available on, both as an e-book (Kindle) and in paperback. 


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